Sunday, September 19, 2010

The kind of teacher I want for my kid- no-grades , cell phones, internet,

I think that parents should be asking themselves ' what kind of teacher do I want for my kid' ?

I would want a teacher who is concerned with the whole child , not only academic learning but also learning how to be a better person within a school  that focuses on community and has a sense of social justice that expresses  itself in community service.

The child should be active in  choosing a curiculum that focuses on questions that are relevant and meaningful to the kid and his future , learning that will promote a love of learning and foster intrinsic motivation and interest.

The  learning should be in the context of a community of learners , collaborative , with kids not only learning from the teacher , but from each other and also the teacher learning from the kids .

The aim is deep understanding rather than getting good grades.

 Problems , academic and social should be solved using CPS - collaborative problem solving , working with the child  and  focusing  on  a lasting commitment  to values and the community rather than doing to the child using 'power and control ' - rewards , punishments and consequences. 

 - From

Paul Barnwell is a teacher who is putting into practice the principles of progressive education
see his website -  you tube on cell phones in the class and on  grades , also his questionnaire on grades , to see if you are on the same page as Paul.

His approach to cell phones in the class is similar to what  Nancy Willard ' says about internet use and internet safety.  'We have to be pro-active in changing the way kids think of the internet - as a learning or a social tool.

'We will NOT be able to effectively prepare students for their education, career, and civic responsibilities in the 21st Century if the technical services directors in schools throughout this country continue their heavy handed filtering.

It is essential to shift how the Internet is being managed from a primary reliance on filtering to more effective monitoring - in an environment where education - not social - use of the Internet is expected, and supported with effective professional and curriculum development.'

The same goes for cell phones and all other media.



  1. Truly, our kids are being raised in a brave new world where they are spending an increasing amount of time exploring a place where none of us, as parents or teachers, are familiar - the internet. The digital world is not going away, so the best strategy is to accept it will continue to be an ever important part of children's lives and figure out how to best teach students and kids about its usefulness, as well as its dangers.

  2. Thanks for sharing.
    The reality is the most advanced technologies that kids have are their tongues and brains and yet we don't hear danger warnings in the media. Imho I believe we should not only be teaching kids how to use technology in a responsible and educational way , but we should be involved with them and learning together with them. Robert Epstein wrote a book about abolishing adolescence , peer cultures etc . When kids , people of all ages mix and learn together , we can raise the ' thinking' of kids. Peer culture contributes imho to irresponsible and just social use of technology
